Acknowledgement of gps-equipped mobile phones
Holcim Technology Ltd (“HTEC”) and its affiliates worldwide ("Holcim")  strive to promote both operational safety and logistical efficiency for ready-mix (RMX) drivers. Forthis purpose  all RMX drivers will be required to  either  carry  mobile phones  provided  byHolcim or use an application issued by Holcim on their personal mobile phone which includeenhanced   technology   in   the   form   of    Positioning System (GPS) capability.
All RMX drivers will be required to carry the phones or enable the application providedby Holcim while on duty, with the GPS function enabled.
RMX driver acknowledges  that the phones  provided by Holcim  are not meant for anypersonal   use   whatsoever,   and   that   their   use   is   permitted   only   for   working   with   the ConcreteDirect application. Driver shall never operate the phone  provided by Holcim orhis/her   personal  mobile  phone  (and/or   the   ConcreteDirect   application)   while   driving   or operating any vehicle. Any breach or violation of this paragraph constitutes a violation ofHolcim's applicable safety policies and regulations, and will be handled accordingly (violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination).

You agree that Holcim as the owner of commercial vehicles may equip them with GPStracking, whether as embedded equipment or, in this case, via the use of mobile phonesassigned to drivers of company-owned trucks or applications installed on personal phones. I is important to note that, during off-duty hours, no driver is required to keep the GPS-equipped mobile phone on his or her person or in his or her residence or the enable theapplication issued by Holcim.

Those drivers who are not employees of Holcim, and whose trucks Holcim does not own("Third Party Drivers"), understand and acknowledge that they are independent contractors,and   your   acknowledgement   of   these   terms   in   no   way   creates   an   employee/employer relationship. Such Third Party Drivers shall at all times be independent contractors and not joint venturers with, or partners, employees, agents, representatives, or servants of Holcim.

Third  Party  Drivers  shall have   exclusive  control and  direction  of  themselves  and  theiremployees. Neither these terms nor the acknowledgment thereof (nor anything else relatedto   Third   Party   Drivers’   use   of   the   ConcreteDirect   application)   shall   be   interpreted   or construed as creating or establishing a relationship of employer and employee betweenThird Party Drivers and Holcim, or between Holcim and any employee, contractor, vendor,representative, or agent of Third Party Drivers.

If you have any questions about these terms, please contact your supervisor. Please acknowledge you have received and read this notification.  Providing the phonenumber   of   your   personal   mobile   phone   to   Holcim   will   also   constitute   a   validacknowledgement of this notification.

[20 October 2021]